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Download Nights In Black Leather

Year: 1973
Country: USA
Genre: Vintage, Leather, bareback
Length: 1:39:40

Description: "In 1972, Peter Berlin and filmmaker friend Richard Abel decided to move Berlin's street cruising persona onto film. Released in 1973, Nights in Black Leather quickly became one of the biggest-grossing all-male cast adult films of its time. A documentary style look at the typical days and nights of German immigrant Berlin in San Francisco, Nights in Black Leather provides plenty of steamy encounters and slice of life looks at gay cruising and street life of the day. Berlin is dazzling, flaunting himself in leather and his famous tight white pants, hooking up for phone sex, a steamy forest a hot threesome, and some light S & M fun along the way.

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Category: Геи»  Gays

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